HenBit Art

I stumbled upon acrylic pouring when I was searching for a fun artistic project for my daughter’s 30th birthday. The following winter, having been intrigued by the process, and having my own creativity stimulated, I just kept on pouring. I experimented with different paints and mediums, tried a number of techniques, and moved on from pouring on canvases to creating functional art in the form of serving trays. Then I ventured into resin pouring techniques too.
In 2018, I took the plunge and applied for a local art show and was accepted. It was a thrill to see the interest in my work and to get feedback from customers. Since that show, I have continued to expand my line of functional art and experiment with a widening array of techniques and materials. I’ve also expanded my exposure by participating in dozens of craft shows in the Philadelphia area and by adding an online store. I also maintain a social media presence to post my latest work and invite people to watch over my shoulder as I create. In 2024, with some trepidation, I will be venturing farther out to Maryland, New Jersey and New York to participate in some larger fine craft shows.
So why HenBit?
Years ago, I noticed a plant in the field behind my home with a tiny purple flower called Henbit. It didn’t seem all that impressive until I took a picture of it and zoomed in for a closer look. What I saw was a flower that is extremely delicate and intricately beautiful. The leaves, not to be outdone, are heart-shaped with symmetrically scalloped edges. This edible wildflower is a favorite of chickens (thus Henbit) and hummingbirds. It is also an important early source of nectar and pollen for honeybees.
Henbit seems an appropriate muse for my work. Though small among the flowers of the field and easy to overlook, yet it has its place in adding to the beauty of our world.